The Water
Authority of Great Neck North was
established in 1985 as a public benefit
corporation by Title 8-B, Section 1197,
of the Public Authorities Law of the
State of New York.
In December 1989, the Water Authority
purchased the assets of the Citizens
Water Supply Company, which was a
private for profit business enterprise.
The completion of the public acquisition
of Citizens Water Supply Company by the
Water Authority of Great Neck North on
December 28, 1989, was the culmination
of many years of analysis and research
by a dedicated group of local public
Since its creation by the State of New
York, the Water Authority has been
authorized to provide potable (drinking)
water to the northern areas of the Great
Neck Peninsula, which encompasses the
villages of Great Neck, Great Neck
Estates, Kensington, Kings Point, Saddle
Rock, portions of Great Neck Plaza and
Thomaston. and portions of the
unincorporated areas of the Town of
North Hempstead.
The Water Authority is a
corporate governmental agency
constituting a public benefit
corporation. All revenues received
must be used for operating expense,
capital improvements and paying
outstanding debts. It operates solely
for the benefit of the approximately
32,400 people that rely on its product
and dependable service 24 hours a day,
365 days a year.
The Board of
The Board of
Directors of the Water Authority of
Great Neck North is made up of the
designated representatives from each of
the seven villages and the Town of North
Hempstead in the Authority's service
area. The Water Authority's service area
is generally that part of the Great Neck
peninsula situated north of the Long
Island Railroad tracks.
The offices of the Water Authority of
Great Neck North are located on the
westerly side of the peninsula at 50
Watermill Lane, Great Neck, New York
11021. The offices are open Monday
through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Meetings of the Board of Directors:
The Water
Authority of Great Neck North conducts
regularly scheduled Board meetings on
the third Monday of every month at the
Water Authority's offices. Meeting
dates and times are listed on the BOD
Meetings & Agendas Tab. All
interested parties are urged to call
(516) 487-7973, extension 212, to
confirm time and date of meetings, in
case of any conflicts or other
scheduling problems.
Management and Operations:
The person in
charge of operating the water supply
system is the Superintendent of the
Water Authority, Gregory C.
Graziano, who may be
reached by telephone at (516)
487-7973, extension 212. He can answer any of your
questions or address any of your
concerns regarding the water supply.
by Nassau County:
The Nassau County Department of Health
oversees the Authority's water system.
The Nassau County Department of Health
is located at 200 County Seat Drive,
Mineola, New York 11501-4250, and
representatives may be reached by
telephone at (516) 227-9697.
Who are served:
There are approximately 32,400 people in
the service area including private
residences, commercial enterprises,
municipal and other governmental
institutions .
Distribution System:
The Water Authority owns and maintains
over 117 miles of water mains. Water
main diameters vary from 1-inch to
24-inches throughout the service area.
Most of the mains are constructed of
ductile or cast iron with the remaining
water mains constructed of materials
including wrought iron, transite, steel,
copper, or PVC piping. All water
services are metered by the Authority in
the supply service area. In addition,
the Water Authority maintains an
interconnection with an adjacent water
Service Area Security
The Water Authority employs a staff,
who work in the departments of
maintenance, operations, meters, and
For ID
If you are unsure about the
identity of someone who
claims to represent the
Water Authority and asks for
access to your property,
call the Water Authority at
(516) 487-7973 for
verification. Field
employees are required to
wear uniforms with the Water
Authority of Great Neck
North logo and carry ID
cards signed by the

The drinking
water supplied by the Water Authority of
Great Neck North meets and/or exceeds
all New York State and Federal
government standards for potable water.
All of the water supplied by the Water
Authority comes only from water drawn
from ten wells at eight sites throughout
the peninsula. The water from the wells
is drawn from wells constructed in both
the Magothy and Lloyd aquifers deep
underground. The Water Authority of
Great Neck North does not obtain any
water from above ground reservoirs.
An annual
Drinking Water Quality Report detailing
the quality of the water supply is
required to be printed each year and it
is distributed throughout the service
area. The annual Drinking Water Quality
Report will be exhibited on this website
when published.